Selfmanagement and Selfpresentation for female young researcher

Trainer: Britta Naumann

In today’s complex work environment self-management and interpersonal communication skills play an important part in determining womens individual work effectiveness and lasting career success. Being able to communicate professionally with others is a vital foundation for any research career. Whether it’s a professional
face-to-face conversation or a speech under pressure, the need to deliver meaningful messages and to present oneself adequately entails establishing a powerful communicative connection with our conversation partner.
In addition, dealing with difficult relationships in an open and constructive way is an essential skill for any career in science: Gaining confidence in leveraging potential conflict situations as opportunities for change and growth can significantly enhance work relationships.

During this interactive workshop for young female researchers you will have the chance to learn and apply minor tools and theories for your professional communication and your self-management, e.g.:
• The communication process and the role of verbal and non-verbal messages
• Dealing with different communication/ conflict styles and complex conversations
• Building personal credibility and professional seriousness as a female researcher

During this Interactive workshop your will have the opportunity to gain theory input as well as live demonstrations. In addition you will improve your communication skills through role-plays, best practice sharing, self-reflection and peer feedback.

This workshop is part of the OLTECH Mentoring programme. Mentees of this programme have the preference for a course place.

Registration:      via StudIP

12.06.2019 09:30 – 13.06.2019 17:00

University`s guest house, Drögen Hasen Weg 64

Graduate School OLTECH

(Changed: 29 May 2024)  | 
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